Quality Assurance Program
Liberty Engineering is constantly striving to offer the highest quality products and services to our customers. Our Quality Assurance Program encourages quality at all levels of our organization and allows us to continually monitor our performance. The results of this program are reflected in each product we ship.
It is the policy of Liberty Engineering Company to provide products and services which reflect high standards. These quality standards will be based on customer expectations with regard to:
- Performance
- Product life when properly used and maintained
- Safety of use
- Appearance
The Quality Assurance Program will integrate all functions of the company in a coordinated, responsive, and efficient effort to achieve this quality goal by:
- Having on-going research and development in engineering to improve existing products and to design new products
- Maintaining high standards in purchasing raw materials and components.
- Continuing to improve our manufacturing facilities equipment and methods.
- Maintaining a quality assurance organization and system which will assure quality products at optimum costs.
The Quality Assurance organization shall have the primary responsibility for measuring quality and providing quality motivation; however, quality consciousness is to be an integral part of the activities of each department within the company. Consequently all members of management are to continually stimulate and encourage commitment on the part of all employees to fulfill the company's policy. This commitment will be directed toward the following priorities:
- Quality products and services
- On-time delivery
- Cost